
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

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Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Southwark Cyclists:

  • southwark consultation: flood prevention with short cycle lane

    Created by SallyEva // 1 thread

    Southwark Council is consulting on the Lost Peck Flood Alleviation and Environmental Improvement Scheme. This project seeks to revitalise the area surrounding the historical River Peck. The works will be delivered within Peckham Rye Park and Common and will include elements of environmental improvement and flood alleviation, weaved together through an overarching landscape strategy.

    Along with the flood mitigation works, a series of environmental improvements are proposed across Peckham Rye Park and Common, particularly focused on the currently degraded and under-utilised areas within the northern sections of the Common. These include:

    Improvement of the currently derelict historic ‘Donkey Ride’ area along East Dulwich Road, seeking to reclaim this part of the Common and create a positive space for community members to congregate. Proposals include new surfacing, grassed areas, planted landscape, informal seating, bug hotel, and possibly a short cycle lane to enhance the safety of cyclists.

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  • St. Thomas Street, London Bridge reopening one-way access only

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    TfL says:

    What we plan to do
    Since the street was closed there has been more emphasis on the environment and reducing pollution, creating healthier places. So we are proposing to reopen the street one-way – westbound – for access only. Access only includes private vehicles, deliveries to the premises along the street, taxis picking-up and dropping-off at The Shard (note that the station taxi drop-off and pick-up is on London Bridge St by the News building) and residents. This will keep traffic to a minimum and make the place better for people walking and people cycling.

    For people walking
    Relocate the crossing and create a coloured, raised imprint area of road surface between Weston Street and The Shard indicating to drivers and people cycling that people walking are likely to be crossing making it easier and safer for people approaching the relocated crossing
    Introduce a 10mph speed limit. By making the street 10mph we will make it safer for people walking and people cycling and improve the local environment as traffic slows, reducing noise and air pollution

    For people cycling
    Cycling would be permitted along the full length of the street with the direction of traffic

    For people using buses or coaches
    The one way nature of the street allows for the reintroducton of coaches and buses, without congestion

    For people using taxis
    • We will provide for taxis to pick-up and drop-off visitors to The Shard

    The main changes people will notice apart from the reopening and resurfacing by Network Rail will be new signs (No motor vehicles except for access) and lines marked on the street (indicating taxi ranks etc). We are keeping the works to a minimum as plans develop to meet the local aspirations for the street which will avoid any disruptive and unnecessary works.

    As a result of these proposals general traffic will no longer be able to drive onto St Thomas St eastbound from Borough High Street. Since the closure this has mainly been taxis, private hire and deliveries but there is often congestion and risks from turning vehicles. By making it one-way we can remove the delays and hold-ups caused by turning vehicles, the extra pollution they cause, and reduce the risk of vehicles colliding with people walking and cycling.

    Private vehicles, taxis, private hire, delivery and servicing vehicles, people cycling and disabled blue badge holders will be able to access St Thomas St westbound from its junction with Crucifix Lane and Bermondsey St. to access The Shard and other businesses along St Thomas St.

    Our plans form part of the Mayor of London’s plan for Healthy Streets - a long-term vision to encourage more people to walk, cycle and use public transport by making London’s streets healthier, safer and more welcoming. By providing more high quality spaces we can encourage more people to use these healthy and sustainable forms of transport, whilst keeping other traffic moving. These improvements will contribute to Healthy Streets by:

    Encouraging more people to walk and, with the next phase that this is facilitating, to cycle
    Improving the public realm and contributing to the wider regeneration of the area
    We will monitor the impacts of the one-way access-only arrangements and will continue to work with Southwark Council and the local community to meet the aspirations for St. Thomas St.

    We will aim to complete the new traffic management scheme by May 2018.

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  • Proposals for the Creation of a Major Road Network (London)

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    From the DfT:
    As part of the Transport Investment Strategy, the government committed to creating a Major Road Network (MRN).

    This consultation asks for views on:
    how to define the MRN
    the role that local, regional and national bodies will play in the MRN investment programme
    which schemes will be eligible for MRN funding

    A new MRN would help deliver the following objectives:
    reduce congestion
    support economic growth and rebalancing
    support housing delivery
    support all road users
    support the Strategic Road Network

    The creation of an MRN will allow for dedicated funding from the National Roads Fund to be used to improve this middle tier of our busiest and most economically important local authority ‘A’ roads.

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  • Dulwich Wood Park Speed Reduction

    Created by Gipsy Hill // 1 thread

    Rushed consultion to on A2199 (SRN) Dulwich Wood Park serving two bus routes and LCN23 (connects with Quietway 7).

    Main Issue: the Dual Carriage is not being removed. The downhill "Speed reduction" measure is to reduce downhill part of the Dual Carriage to 3.2m working for a long section. Cyclists are expected to take the primary position on this steep downhill (10% hill at top) mixed with heavy traffic, and somehow slow all traffic behind them to then navigate the ~120 degree left turn into Farquhar Road. The road has severe AM peak time traffic. Cyclists are expected to weave around traffic in this long 3.2m downhill section.

    Consultation is sham and is considered unfair . The feedback form does not allow uses to clearly "support" or "object" to all, or each of the planned interventions. So is more like a statuary consultation than a fair assessment of options.

    There is major resurfacing due in a few months at his location, and the changes and detailed designs are being rushed to meet this deadline.

    Please list your concerns below

    Consultation Hub:

    A (Proposed raised zebra) - crossing Raising the existing crossing near St Margaret Clitherow Church and converting this to a zebra crossing.

    B (Existing island to be widened) - Widening the existing crossing point between Wickes Oake and Lymer Ave

    C (Provide 2.0m stepped) cycle track) - Segregating the existing cycle lane on the northern side of the junction with Farquhar Road, narrow the road and provide additional cycle lanes on the southern side.

    D (Existing island to be reconstructed to accommodate 3.2m lane width) - Raising an existing crossing point and removing one existing crossing point, between Farquhar Road and Wickes Oake.
    D (Proposed raised junction treatment) - Raising the junction at junction with Farquhar Road.
    D (Proposed raised table) - Providing a raised table near the junction with Baird

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  • Quietway 83 (Bermondsey to Catford) Section 1

    Created by Luce // 1 thread

    First section of this QW to be consulted on, which will, in the main, mirror LCN22. One of the main reasons for this alignment is to encourage cyclists away from the Canal Path, which is at saturation at peak times, with no safe (24/7) alternative.

    Southwark's account of the changes:

    'This Quietway is planned to run from Bermondsey down to Peckham Road, running along Glengall Road, Trafalgar Avenue and Sumner Road. We hope it will provide a safe alternative cycling route to the Surrey Canal Path, as we know this can sometimes become crowded with pedestrians and cyclists.

    Changes along the proposed new Quietway include:

    widening the east-west section of the Surrey Linear Canal Path into a shared path
    installing a new two-way cycle path along Trafalgar Avenue
    changes to the junction of Sumner Road and Commercial Way
    new pedestrian and cycle crossings
    new raised tables and raised junctions
    improving or replacing many of the existing speed humps
    double yellow lines at some junctions to improve visibility and pedestrian accessibility.'

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  • Six new routes

    Created by Simon Parker // 1 thread

    Green light for development of six new cycle routes across London

    TfL’s Strategic Cycling Analysis identified the top 25 connections where new cycling infrastructure is required to enable more people to cycle. Further work between TfL and the boroughs has identified these six routes as the initial routes to take forward to the design stage. The routes will extend from Tottenham in the north, to Peckham in the south, and from Barking in the east, to Willesden Junction in the west, "helping to create a pan-London network of high-quality cycle routes".

    The new routes are, it is claimed, an important further step in making the investment required to achieve the Mayor's aim, set out in the draft Mayor's Transport Strategy, of 80 per cent of journeys being made by foot, bike or public transport by 2041.

    TfL and the boroughs will now begin design work on:

    Lea Bridge to Dalston (3)
    This 3km route would link the City and Waltham Forest by filling the gap between Lea Bridge Road and Cycle Superhighway 1 at Dalston

    Ilford to Barking Riverside (10)
    This 8km route would link two bustling outer London town centres and a major growth area with up to 10,800 new homes and a new London Overground connection – while enhancing access to the Elizabeth line and London Overground services

    Hackney to the Isle of Dogs (5)
    This 8km route would stretch from Hackney to the Isle of Dogs via Canary Wharf, Mile End and Victoria Park

    Rotherhithe to Peckham (12)
    This 4km route would link Peckham with key and growing destinations such as Canada Water and Surrey Quays, and connect up other cycling routes such as Quietway 1 and the proposed Cycle Superhighway 4

    Tottenham Hale to Camden (2)
    This 8km route would connect major town centres and will cover seven junctions identified as being among the 73 with the worst safety records

    Wembley to Willesden Junction
    This 5km route would be north-west London’s first major cycle route, connecting Wembley, Stonebridge Park and Willesden Junction. Future sections will connect to planned infrastructure in west London such as CS9 and CS10.

    The Mayor is also committed to providing a new river crossing between Rotherhithe and Canary Wharf for pedestrians and cyclists, which ultimately could link the proposed cycle routes between Hackney and Peckham to create a continuous 12km cycle route. An initial review of the recent consultation on the proposed Rotherhithe and Canary Wharf Crossing showed strong support for the project. TfL is still analysing all the responses and will be announcing the full results of the consultation in the coming months.

    Sadiq Khan said: "I've committed to invest record amounts in making cycling easier and safer for Londoners, and I'm delighted that work is now beginning on designing the next generation of high-quality cycle routes across the capital.

    "Working closely with the boroughs, we’re providing new routes in both inner and outer London, including in areas that haven’t previously seen serious investment in cycling infrastructure."

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  • New London Plan 2017

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread says:

    What is the new London Plan?
    The London Plan is one of the most important documents for this city.
    It's a strategic plan which shapes how London evolves and develops. All planning decisions should follow London Plan policies, and it sets a policy framework for local plans across London.
    The current 2016 consolidation Plan is still the adopted Development Plan. However the Draft London Plan is a material consideration in planning decisions. It gains more weight as it moves through the process to adoption, however the weight given to it is a matter for the decision maker.

    Consultation on the draft London Plan
    Consultation on this plan is open. Comments will be publicly available. After the consultation, comments are reviewed by an inspector and you may be called in to discuss comments at the Examination in Public.

    What is an Examination in Public?
    At the end of the consultation period your comments will be reviewed by the independent Planning Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out the Examination in Public for the London Plan.
    You may be invited to discuss your comments at the Examination in Public. All comments will be made available to the public at the end of the consultation period. The legal provisions for the London Plan are in Part VIII of the Greater London Authority (GLA) Act 1999 (as amended) in sections 334 to 341. The Examination in Public is covered in Section 338.

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  • Heavy Goods Vehicles Safety Standard Permit /Direct Vision Standard

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    Tfl says:

    We have undertaken research that shows that in 2015, Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) were involved in disproportionately high numbers of fatal collisions with cyclists (78 per cent) and pedestrians (20 per cent) on London’s streets, despite only making up four per cent of the overall miles driven in the Capital. The Direct Vision Standard (DVS) forms part of The Mayor, Sadiq Khan and TfL’s Vision Zero approach to reducing road danger. The DVS categorises HGVs on the level of the driver’s direct vision from the cab.

    We consulted earlier this year on the principles of a new DVS. Listening to the feedback from this consultation and working closely with industry and stakeholders we have now further developed this scheme. The Consultation report and Responses to Issues Raised document from this first phase of consultation are available to view in from the links at the bottom of this text. The responses showed that, in general, there is support for the principle of a Direct Vision Standard.

    We are now seeking your views on proposals to introduce a new Safety Standard Permit Scheme as part of DVS which widens our approach beyond direct vision and includes a safe system approach to allow us to address a broader range of road danger risks.

    The proposed scheme would require all HGVs over 12 tonnes to hold a Safety Permit to operate in Greater London from 2020. HGVs will be given a rating between ‘zero-star’ (lowest) and ‘five-star’ (highest). Only those vehicles rated ‘one star’ and above would be allowed to enter of operate in London from 2020. Zero rated vehicles would only be allowed if they can prove compliance through safe system measures. By 2024 only ‘three-star’ rated HGVs and above would automatically be given a Safety Permit. HGVs rated two star and below would need to demonstrate increased safety through progressive safe system measures.

    The safe system could include specific industry recognised measures such as sensors, visual warnings and comprehensive driver training. The Safety Standard Permit scheme would evolve over time, taking into account advances in technology.

    Detailed information about the scheme and the approach in which we have arrived at our current proposals are set out in the consultation document. A full Integrated Impact Assessment is also included.

    The consultation approach
    We are undertaking a phased consultation approach at key stages of the development of the consultation proposals to implement the Direct Vision Standard:

    Phase 1 (24 January to 18 April 2017) – we set out the case for HGV driver direct vision and consulted on the Mayor of London’s outline proposals to introduce a Direct Vision Standard for HGVs in London and the principles of the Standard itself. The responses showed that, in general, there is support for the principle of a Direct Vision Standard.

    Phase 2a – policy consultation (this consultation) – this current phase of consultation seeks views and feedback on the scheme proposals as outlined above and within the supporting consultation document which includes supporting technical reports including the full Integrated Impact Assessment. Feedback from this phase of consultation will be used to develop a second IIA and finalise the scheme proposals to be included in phase 2b of the consultation.

    Phase 2b - Final scheme proposals and statutory consultation (Spring/Summer 2018) – this final phase will consult on the final proposals for the HGV Safety Standard Permit Scheme, including statutory consultation on the appropriate regulatory measure to ban or restrict HGVs in London under the scheme, subject to UK Government and European Commission support and notification.

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  • London Assembly cycling infrastructure investigation

    Created by Simon Munk // 1 thread

    London Assembly says:

    Our investigation
    Over recent years, TfL policy has increasingly focused on the construction of physical cycling infrastructure on London’s roads. A change in direction towards more segregated infrastructure followed our report in 2012 recommending this approach.

    Our investigation will cover the full range of cycling infrastructure in London, with a particular focus on:

    Cycle Superhighways: a form of cycle lane, designed to make cycling safer by helping keep cyclists away from general traffic, and offer direct and continuous cycling on major routes.

    Quietways: a network of cycle routes that link key destinations, improving safety and convenience through small-scale interventions.

    Mini-Hollands: TfL schemes to invest neighbourhood-level improvements in walking and cycling, involving a range of interventions in each area.

    Cycle parking: provision of parking spaces on-street, at stations or in dedicated parking facilities.

    It is important that TfL is able to establish the effectiveness of the infrastructure it installs on London’s roads. We are concerned that to date there has been no comprehensive study of the new infrastructure’s impact on cycling safety, modal share and other road users.

    Questions to answer:

    1. What progress on new cycling infrastructure has been made under Sadiq Khan, and what are his long-term plans?
    2. Has TfL resolved the problems that delayed some cycling schemes under the previous Mayor?
    3. Has segregation delivered the anticipated benefits on the Cycle Superhighways? How many cyclists are using these routes?
    4. To what extent has segregation had negative consequences for other road users and, if necessary, how can this be mitigated?
    5. Have Quietways delivered their anticipated benefits? How many cyclists are using them?
    6. What are the differences in infrastructure between inner and outer London? How can TfL ensure infrastructure in different areas is sufficient and appropriate to the location?
    7. How will TfL’s new ‘Strategic Cycling Analysis’ help determine where and how to invest in infrastructure?
    8. How appropriate is the 400-metre target set in the draft Transport Strategy? Can we equate proximity with access?
    9. Is TfL’s approach to public engagement working effectively to improve scheme designs and meet stakeholder needs?
    10. Are Londoners sufficiently aware of the cycling infrastructure available to them, and how can awareness be increased?
    11. How is TfL using infrastructure to attract a more diverse range of people to cycle in London?
    12. Is there sufficient cycle parking in London, and is it in the right locations?
    13. How are the lessons of the Mini-Hollands and other previous cycling schemes being applied elsewhere?
    14. Should cycling infrastructure be oriented toward longer-distance commuting journeys, or more localised trips?

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  • Southwark Spine - East Dulwich to Peckham

    Created by Raiph // 1 thread

    The Southwark Spine is a north-south walking and cycling route between East Dulwich and Borough which forms part of the network as detailed in the 2015 Southwark Cycling Strategy. The route is not just for experienced cyclists but for anyone who wants to use quieter, lower-traffic routes, providing an environment for those cyclists who want to ride at a more leisurely speed.

    The proposed changes are located between Lordship Lane and Peckham High Street. The proposals follow key principles of the healthy streets approach which includes improving the quality of public areas to make walking and cycling pleasant and enjoyable, and improving the health of local residents.

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  • Tanner St./ Druid St. Link to (proposed) Cycle Superhighway 4 (from Quietway14)

    Created by Luce // 1 thread


    We would like your views on our proposals to make changes to cycling provision on Tanner Street. As part of these changes, a segregated two-way cycle track would run along the eastern side of Tanner Street and join the proposed Cycle Superhighway Route 4 (CS4) on the northern edge of Jamaica Road. Tanner Street forms part of Quietway 14, linking Tower Bridge Road to Canada Water. Quietways are a network of cycle routes throughout London, linking major destinations and are especially helpful for those who wish to use quieter, low traffic routes.

    These changes have been designed to make cycling easier, safer and more attractive. We’re also proposing changes for pedestrians, including a new signalised pedestrian crossing on Druid Street and changes to footways. The proposals form part of the Mayor of London’s plan for Healthy Streets - a long-term vision to encourage more Londoners to walk and cycle by making London’s streets healthier, safer and more welcoming.

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  • Cycle Superhighway Route 4 from Tower Bridge to Greenwich

    Created by Fran Graham // 3 threads

    TfL say:

    We want your views on proposals to transform roads in Bermondsey, Rotherhithe, Deptford and Greenwich to make cycling and walking easier, safer and more appealing.

    Cycle Superhighway 4 (CS4) would provide a continuous segregated cycle route between Tower Bridge and Greenwich, along with new pedestrian crossings, improved public spaces and a host of other improvements aimed at creating a more attractive environment for all users and accommodating the area’s future growth. This consultation does not include proposals for Lower Road, which will be consulted on at a later date (find out more).

    CS4 would form part of London’s expanding network of Cycle Superhighways, an important part of the Mayor’s draft Transport Strategy and Healthy Streets Approach, which aim to encourage walking, cycling and public transport, making London greener, healthier and more pleasant.

    Summary of proposed changes

    Our proposals for CS4 include:

    Two-way segregated cycle track on Tooley Street, Jamaica Road, Evelyn Street and Creek Road, providing a dedicated space for people who want to cycle
    Five new signal-controlled pedestrian crossings and upgrades to over 20 existing pedestrian crossings, making it easier and safer to cross the road
    Building on the recent short-term improvements at Rotherhithe Roundabout by redesigning the roundabout to improve safety as part of our Safer Junctions programme.
    Installing a new eastbound bus gate on the Jamaica Road approach to Rotherhithe Roundabout, giving buses priority at the roundabout and improving bus access to Lower Road
    New and improved public spaces at Deptford High Street and Rotherhithe Roundabout, including new paving and trees
    New traffic restrictions, including banned turns on some side roads along Jamaica Road and at Deptford High Street
    Changes to some bus stop layouts and locations, including new bus stop bypasses for cyclists (find out more about bus stop bypasses)

    Why are we proposing CS4?

    Around 3,500 trips are already being made daily by people cycling along the A200. In addition, this route has some of the highest numbers of pedestrian numbers in London. CS4 is designed to help us meet the target set out in the Mayor’s draft Transport Strategy of changing the way people choose to travel so that, by 2041, 80 per cent of all trips in London are made by walking, cycling or public transport, up from 64 per cent today.

    Improving safety

    Safety is one of the main barriers to cycling in London. Between September 2013 and August 2016, there were 93 recorded collisions involving cyclists and 49 recorded collisions involving pedestrians along this section of the A200. Our research shows that, were the route safer, more journeys could be made on foot or by cycle.

    CS4 would separate cyclists from motor traffic by providing kerbed cycle tracks along its length. At major junctions, cycles would be separated from motor traffic using cycling-specific traffic light phases to reduce the risk of collisions. Our proposals also include major safety improvements at Rotherhithe Roundabout, which was identified as a priority for changes as part of our Safer Junctions programme.

    Encouraging active travel in south-east London

    Cycling is now a major mode of transport in London. There are more than 670,000 cycle trips a day in the capital, an increase of over 130 per cent since 2000. The introduction of the East-West and North-South Cycle Superhighways has seen a significant increase in cycling as a mode of transport along those routes.

    An emerging network of Cycle Superhighways exists in north, south and east London, but none yet in south-east London. Our proposals would bring a high-quality cycle facility to south-east London, encouraging more people to start cycling. Our analysis shows that sections of Tooley Street and Jamaica Road are among the top one per cent of areas for cycle demand in London, while the entire CS4 route is in the top five per cent.

    Improving facilities for cycling and walking along the proposed CS4 route would not only benefit those who currently walk and cycle, but could also have a positive effect on public health by increasing the levels of physical activity in the area. Our research shows that sections of the proposed route are in the top one per cent of London’s road network for its potential to switch from vehicles to cycling as a means of transport. The majority of the route is in the top five per cent. There is also great potential to encourage people to switch from making short vehicle trips to walking.

    These proposals form part of the Mayor of London’s plan for Healthy Streets. This is a long-term vision to encourage more Londoners to walk and cycle by making London’s streets healthier, safer and more welcoming. Currently, only 34% of Londoners take 20 minutes of physical activity on any given day. The new cycle facilities and pedestrian improvements are designed to help encourage more people to use active and sustainable modes of transport.

    Improving places

    Our proposals would help connect Bermondsey, Rotherhithe, Deptford and Greenwich, linking important amenities and facilities, making them more pleasant places to live, work, shop and spend time. We would install new seating areas and cycle parking to provide space for people to rest and spend time in these town centres, along with other improvements such as new plants and trees. Our proposals aim to create more welcoming and inclusive streets for individuals and communities to enjoy.

    Joined-up improvements to accommodate growth

    London is growing and changing, with the city's population forecast to rise from 9 million people today to 10.5 million in 2041. We must find new ways to plan London's growth, including proposals like CS4 to encourage healthy and sustainable transport. CS4 is part of a package of planned and proposed improvements aimed at helping this part of south-east London accommodate expected growth, including the regeneration of Canada Water, recent improvements made to ease congestion at Rotherhithe Roundabout, and the proposed Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf river crossing.

    Where would CS4 go?

    The proposed route would run along Tooley Street, Jamaica Road, Evelyn Street and Creek Road, linking Bermondsey, Rotherhithe, Deptford and Greenwich.

    Lower Road

    This consultation does not include proposals for Lower Road, which will be consulted on at a later date. Lower Road is adjacent to Canada Water, an area that will see major regeneration and development in the next few years. To understand how these developments and future transport schemes would affect the existing road network, we have jointly commissioned a Strategic Transport Study with the London Borough of Southwark. When completed, this study will inform the design for Lower Road, ensuring that it meets the future needs of the community.

    What is proposed for CS4?

    Improvements for cycling

    New two-way segregated cycle track on the north side of Tooley Street, Jamaica Road, Evelyn Street and Creek Road replaces some bus and general traffic lanes
    Cycle track switches to the south side at the junction with Southwark Park Road to bypass Rotherhithe Roundabout
    Proposals for the Lower Road section to be consulted on at a later date
    Cyclists bypass traffic light controlled junctions at Abbey Street and Deptford Church Street
    Cyclists are separately controlled by signals at all other junctions
    Connection to proposed cycling Quietway 14 at Tanner Street (find out more about Tanner Street)
    Road design and layout

    Some general traffic lane replaced by new two-way segregated cycle track Redesigned and improved geometry of Rotherhithe Roundabout to encourage better lane discipline and assist all through movements
    Left turn lane on Jamaica Road extended to reduce queueing time for buses and local traffic trying to access Brunel Road
    Removal of some central reservation on Jamaica Road to accommodate new cycling facilities
    Mini-roundabout replaces signalised junction at Oxestalls Road
    Removal of centre line markings on some sections of Evelyn Street to improve road safety
    Making Shad Thames one-way northbound to improve the performance of the junction and reduce pedestrian wait times
    Banning the left turn from Jamaica Road into Bevington Street to provide a continuous eastbound bus lane and improve bus journeys
    Making Cathy Street one-way northbound to remove through-traffic from residential roads, while allowing a new right turn into Cathay Street from Jamaica Road to improve local access
    Making Marigold Street exit-only on to Jamaica Road to improve safety for all road users
    Banning the right turn into Evelyn Street from Watergate Street and Deptford High Street, and banning the right turn into Deptford High Street from Evelyn Street
    Change to buses

    Some bus lane replaced by new two-way segregated cycle track on Jamaica Road, Evelyn Street and Creek Road
    New eastbound bus gate on the Jamaica Road approach to Rotherhithe Roundabout to prioritise bus access to Lower Road
    Changes to bus stop locations along Evelyn Street
    Changes to some bus stop layouts, including new bus stop bypasses for cyclists (find out more about bus stop bypasses)
    Improvements for walking

    Five new signal-controlled pedestrian crossings, including three along Jamaica Road
    Upgrades to existing pedestrian crossings including simpler 8-metre wide crossing outside Bermondsey Station
    6-metre wide toucan crossing (for pedestrians and cyclists) outside Deptford Park Primary school
    6-metre wide pedestrian crossing on desire line opposite Deptford High Street
    Pedestrian crossing on the eastern arm of the Norway Street / Creek Road junction moved to the western arm and widened to 6 metres.
    Pedestrian crossing time saving of over 1 minute expected outside Bermondsey Station and at the Jamaica Road junction with Tanner Street

    Predicted impacts of our proposals

    We are proposing major changes to the road layout to make cycling and walking easier, safer and more appealing. We have considered all road users throughout the design process so as not to have a disproportionate impact on any one group. This section summarises the impacts we predict our proposals to have on different road users.

    General traffic and bus journey times
    The reallocation of road space is expected to change some journey times and traffic movements. We have carried out traffic modelling to predict how the proposals might affect journey times and traffic movement through the area affected by the scheme. A summary of this analysis is available below:

    We would actively monitor and manage traffic conditions following delivery of the scheme. We are investing in advanced traffic signal technology to allow us to better manage traffic depending on differing conditions at any given time, and we are working to improve road user information so people can make informed journey choices before they travel.

    Parking and loading
    Our proposals for CS4 include changes to the layouts of some of the parking and loading bays along the route. Double yellow lines (no parking at any time) would also replace single yellow lines along some sections of Evelyn Street and Creek Road.

    During the consultation period, we will contact premises we think could be affected by these changes. If you think the proposals could affect you or your business, please contact us to let us know (contact details are at the bottom of this page). We encourage you to discuss these proposals with your suppliers.

    Our proposals aim to improve the quality of life in the area by:

    Reducing the dominance of motor traffic, allowing people to better enjoy the area
    Improving pedestrian crossings and cycle facilities, to encourage more people to walk and cycle through the area
    Protecting bus journey times to safeguard public transport as a mode of choice
    Although not a traffic-generating scheme, our proposals would change how traffic moves around the area, which may result in some associated and localised changes in air quality and noise levels. Environmental surveys and modelling would take place as part of our ongoing evaluation of these proposals.

    Air pollution is one of the most significant challenges facing London, affecting the health of all Londoners. As part of the plans for new measures to tackle London’s current poor air quality, we are consulting on proposals to bring forward the introduction of the London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).

    A number of other schemes to improve London’s air quality are planned, including taking steps to reduce air pollution from our bus fleet, reducing emissions from taxis and private hire vehicles, setting up five Low Emission Neighbourhoods, and expanding the electric vehicle charging network and making it simpler to use.

    We are investing to make London’s streets healthy, safe and attractive places to walk and cycle. Enabling more journeys to be made on foot or by bike can help reduce private vehicle use and associated emissions. Read more about how we are creating Healthy Streets


    How we fulfil our obligations under the Equality Act 2010
    We are subject to the general public sector equality duty set out in Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, which requires us to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations by reference to people with protected characteristics. The protected characteristics are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. As part of our decision-making process on the proposals for Cycle Superhighways, we have had due regard to any impacts on those with protected characteristics and the need to ensure that their interests are taken into account.

    In considering the design of our streets, we closely consider the needs of all users throughout the design process. On significant infrastructure projects, such as Cycle Superhighways, we:

    Complete Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs) at the outset of the project, to review potential impacts on equality target groups, including disabled people
    Carry out public consultations, including targeted engagement with specific users such as (among many others): Royal National Institute of Blind People, Guide Dogs, Age UK, Transport for All, and National Autistic Society
    Ensure we comply with established guidance – such as the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges – which includes detailed requirements for disabled people
    The EQIA completed for CS4 shows positive impacts for black and ethnic minority groups, females, disabled cyclists, and cyclists under 25 and over 65 years of age. Positive impacts have also been identified for disabled pedestrians, as the scheme involves a number of improvements to pedestrian facilities, including wider footways and new and improved crossings. Some negative impacts have been identified where footways are cut back or shared-use footway is introduced. However, the minimum 2-metre standard for footway widths has been maintained to allow two wheelchair users to pass safely. Kerb-protected cycle facilities, which lead to positive impacts for people with protected characteristics when they are cycling, work most effectively when they feature bus stop bypasses. Bus stop bypasses and their impacts are described below.

    Bus stop bypasses
    At bus stop bypasses, the cycle track continues behind the bus stop at carriageway level, providing continuous segregation from motor traffic for people cycling. Bus passengers access a waiting area by crossing the cycle track using a raised, marked crossing point. The waiting area would be at least 2.5 metres wide. Pedestrians would cross the cycle track at raised, marked crossing points to continue their journey.

    Our research has found that bus stop bypasses are safe for all road users, including bus passengers. Routing cycle traffic away from the road is an effective way to create safe, attractive cycling facilities along bus routes. The risk of conflict between cycles and pedestrians has been found to be very low, while providing a dedicated crossing point for bus passengers and design features that encourage slower cycling help to make the bus stop area more comfortable for everyone to use.

    Bus stop bypasses are used across Europe and there are a number of examples in operation or planned across the UK, including in Brighton, Cambridge and Manchester, as well as in London. We introduced some bus stop bypasses on the Cycle Superhighway 2 (CS2) extension between Bow and Stratford in Autumn 2013 and across other Cycle Superhighways in 2015-16.

    We are continuing to engage with accessibility and cycling groups and carry out additional research into the type and layout of pedestrian crossings at bus stop bypasses. We have a dedicated working group overseeing on-street trialling of the use of zebra crossings over cycle tracks at bus stop bypasses. This group includes representatives from Transport for All, the Royal National Institute of Blind People, Guide Dogs, Age UK London, London TravelWatch, Cycling Embassy of Great Britain, Living Streets, the London Cycling Campaign and Cycling UK. We will incorporate findings of these further investigations, including the outcomes of discussions about the trial with the working group, into final proposals for CS4.

    Find out more about bus stop bypasses

    Tactile paving
    We would use tactile paving on all crossings and traffic islands throughout CS4. Along the route, tactile paving would be designed according to Department for Transport guidance. Local standards would apply in the London Borough of Lewisham and the Royal Borough of Greenwich.

    Accessibility for cyclists with disabilities
    CS4 would be suitable for use by disabled cyclists using adapted cycles, such as hand cycles and tricycles. The designs adhere to the principles for inclusive cycling set out in our London Cycling Design Standards. Cycle tracks on CS4 would be as wide as possible and a smooth riding surface would be provided, with the entire cycle route to be resurfaced.

    Next steps

    We will analyse and consider all of the responses received to the consultation, and expect to publish our response early in 2018.

    For the Lower Road section, we have jointly commissioned a Strategic Transport Study with the London Borough of Southwark to understand how developments and future transport schemes would affect the existing road network. When completed, this study will inform the design for Lower Road, ensuring that it meets the future needs of the community. Consultation on proposals for Lower Road will take place at a later date

    Subject to the outcome of consultation and agreeing proposals with partner boroughs, we would aim to commence construction on CS4 in late 2018. We would plan construction carefully to minimise disruption to those who live, work and travel through the areas.

    As part of this planning, we would coordinate closely with other construction works in the area, and consider alternative ways of working including advance works, weekends and evenings. We would also carry out an extensive communications and engagement campaign to ensure residents, businesses and others travelling through the works areas have the information they need to plan ahead and adapt their travel arrangements where necessary, reducing any impact on their journeys during the construction period.

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  • Quietway7 Update – What’s Next?

    Created by Gipsy Hill // 2 threads

    Quietway7 links a cycle route from Elephant & Castle (E&C) with Crystal Palace, and was routed by TfL to be via Dulwich Village, West Norwood (Thurlow Park Road), Gipsy Hill and then Crystal Palace (via Farquhar Road).

    The route from E&C southbound is in Southwark (to Dulwich) then is in Lambeth (Turney Road, Rosendale Road/Thurlow Park Road, Hamilton Road, to Gipsy Hill), then goes back into Southwark (from Gipsy Hill to Crystal Palace). Southwark had their part of the quietway consultation approved.

    Lambeth delayed their decision to June 2017, and was then subsequently “called in” as there was widespread concerns from both the local community and cycling groups for parts of the route. Cycling groups unanimously objected to the proposed design along Gipsy Hill by: Southwark Cyclists, Lambeth Cyclists and Wheels for Wellbeing. 70% of respondents objected to the the design on Gipsy Hill. Gipsy Hill is a busy Local Distributor Road and bus route. Gipsy Hill has “insufficient road width” for a segregated track. The original proposed design meant motor vehicles “will encroach on the advisory cycle lane” to allow oncoming motor vehicles to pass.

    Gipsy Hill Options:
    There are alterative options to avoid Gipsy Hill. Southwark Cyclists have supported the design option to follow LCN23 downhill all the way along Dulwich Wood Avenue and then using the other side of Long Meadow (so not using Gipsy Hill), with a new track behind the bus stop.

    See navy dashed line on sketch attached (mauve was the proposed Q7 design, red is LCN23)

    This design is quieter and safer than using Gipsy Hill, and avoids the proposed dangerous junction Gipsy Hill/ Dulwich Wood Avenue, near the rail station. This integrated design also allows greatest cycle access to local amenities, schools, shops, and parks in Dulwich, West Dulwich and West Norwood. There is interest and outline support from Southwark to explore this option.

    Next Steps:
    Lambeth are now actively progressing engagement and revised designs for their part of the route, with a new consultation process due in September. There is potential for an improved option at Gipsy Hill, but this is likely to need new additional funding from TfL.

    Suggested, to let local Gipsy Hill Ward Cllrs (Lambeth) and College Ward Cllrs (Southwark) and local cycling groups know your views.


    Lambeth proposal that was called-in, see reports:
    - Quietway 7 - Elephand Castle to Crystal Palace - Decision Report – 12 June 2017
    - Appendix B - Quietway 7 - details designs (Gipsy Hill pages: 23, 46-49)

    Thurlow Park Ward Cllr updates:

    TfL Quietway 7 Programme (Elephant & Castle to Crystal Palace) - Proposed changes in Lambeth - West Dulwich area

    LCN23 Map:

    What are Quietway?
    London Cycling Design Standards, Chapter 1 (page 15):
    Quietways “..are aimed at new cyclists who want a safe, unthreatening experience.” The key principles for Quietways include:
    o Routes should be on the quietest available roads consistent with directness;
    o Routes should be as straight and direct as possible;
    o where they have to join busier roads, or pass through busy, complicated junctions, segregation must be provided;

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  • London Assembly investigation: Walking & Cycling at Outer London Junctions

    London Assembly says:

    Our investigation
    What different approaches could TfL and London boroughs take to improve junctions and increase walking and cycling in Outer London?

    Small pockets of improvement don’t change the fact that most London streets are dominated by traffic and noise. They are hostile places even to step out into for a pint of milk.

    On behalf of the London Assembly Transport Committee, Caroline Russell AM is investigating how our streets and junctions can become more people-friendly.

    Get involved
    There are a number of specific questions the Committee is seeking to answer. Please address any questions where you have relevant views and information to share, and feel free to cover any other issues you would like the Committee to consider.

    Are there lessons to be learned from previous junction improvements?

    How can we enable more people to walk and cycle?

    How can we make our streets and junctions less hostile to people getting around by bike and on foot?

    How do you get all road users on board?

    Please email by August 11 and share the investigation on Twitter using #OuterLondonJunctions

    Key Facts
    The Mayor and TfL are promoting walking and cycling as a form of active travel and a way to reduce health inequalities - however, currently, over 40 percent of Londoners fall short of the recommended 150 minutes of activity per week.

    TfL research has found that people who live in Outer London tend to walk less than those who live in Inner London. Public transport coverage is lower and car ownership is higher in Outer London, with cars making up a larger share of journeys. In particular, people who live in Outer London are less likely to walk children to school, walk to see friends or relatives, and walk to pubs, restaurants and cinemas.

    In 2015:
    53 percent of Inner Londoners walked at least five journeys a week, compared to 35 percent of Outer Londoners
    47 percent of Inner Londoners walked as part of longer journeys on other forms of transport at least five times a week, compared to 41 percent of Outer Londoners

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  • Camberwell Green junction

    TfL are making changes to junction because of safety issues.

    For Cyclists:

    Two-stage right turns at the junction in the west to south and east to north directions
    An early release at the traffic lights on all four arms of the junction
    Deeper Advanced Stop Lines (ASLs)
    Mandatory cycle lane on Camberwell Church Street westbound approach to operate at all times
    St Giles bus stop moved further west from the Vicarage Grove junction to improve safety of left turning cyclists on the LCN 23 cycle route
    Resurfacing throughout the junction.
    Retention of the 20mph speed limit at the junction and on all the approaches.

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  • Rumble strips instead of paint

    Created by Simon here // 2 threads

    Complete separation of cyclists and cars can't always be achieved. To make sharing of the road safer I would like to propose using rumble strips instead of flat paint to separate the bike lane from the rest of the road. It would act as a physical reminder for car-drivers that they are encroaching the bike lane. This happens particularly near pinch points like road bends or crossroads. So even just a selective application of rumble strips could have a very positive effect, I believe. What's the view of the cycling community? Has it been tested?

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  • Balfour Street Streetscape Improvement

    Created by Luce // 1 thread

    Main cycling concerns:

    Installation of contraflow lane (and removal of parking where said lane is to be - currently contraflow is allowed, with no formal lane);
    Reduction of parking;
    Tightening up of jct. with Rodney Rd - as well as most of Balfour St. (reducing reckless driving);
    Additional cycle parking at corner of Victory Pl.


    Current shared contraflow 'bypass' at corner of John Maurice Cl. and Balfour St. seems to be gone, this meant cyclists didn't have to go head-on with oncoming traffic;
    Width for safe contraflow (this is also a bit of an issue due to parking; however Balfour St. is not very busy, so I have never had any conflicts myself)


    Southwark Council has plans to enhance the appearance and improve accessibility along Balfour Street between Rodney Road and Munton Road, and its junction with Rodney Road.

    Due to the ongoing regeneration of the local area, we would like to enhance the appearance of Balfour Street and its junction with Rodney Road by widening the footway to improve access for all users, creating a safer environment for cyclists, upgrading the public realm and increasing tree provisions, and improving safety for all road users at the Rodney Road junction.

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  • Tower Hamlets Local Infrastructure Fund consultation

    Created by Alex Jenkins // 1 thread

    The council is consulting on the Local Infrastructure Fund (LIF) to give local people a say in defining the infrastructure priorities for their areas.

    The consultation period will run for six weeks from 27 June 2017 to 8 August 2017.

    Tower Hamlets has grown rapidly in recent years, and a number of new housing and employment developments have been built across the borough. Additional growth is expected in the future and the council recognises that this can put pressure on local services and infrastructure - that is, on areas like transport, schools, healthcare facilities and parks/open spaces.

    To deal with the impacts, developers are required to pay a financial contribution called the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). The borough has apportioned to each LIF Area, 25 per cent of the money from which the income was generated. Please refer to the LIF Area Profile documents for the specific amounts collected so far for each LIF Area. The council must then use this money to support the development of the local area, by addressing the demands that development places on the area, and by making sure the right infrastructure and services are in place for residents.

    In addition to understanding local people’s infrastructure priorities, the council is engaging with local people and giving them an opportunity to nominate projects that they would like to see delivered in their neighborhood. These can be new or existing projects already identified by the council in the LIF Area Profiles. Prior to the allocation of funding to any project and in line with the regulations, you will need to clearly demonstrate how the project will deliver the provision, improvement, replacement, operation and/or maintenance of infrastructure or anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area.

    This consultation provides local people with an opportunity to nominate up to three (new or existing) projects. Prior to the allocation of the funding to any project and in line with the regulations it will need to be clearly demonstrated how the project will deliver the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure or provides anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area.

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  • Waterloo roundabout

    We want your views on proposals to help inform our LCC response.

    TfL says:

    We want your views on our proposals to create a better Waterloo. We’ve developed these proposals over the past 10 years by working with local stakeholders and the community. The original vision can be found here. Our proposals aim to create a healthier and safer environment for people to walk and cycle and use public transport as well as support the regeneration and growth of Waterloo. These proposals aim to improve the quality of life in the area by:
    Reducing the dominance of traffic, allowing people to better enjoy the area
    Creating a healthier and safer environment
    Planting more trees to replace the removal of trees which will have the potential to benefit biodiversity, landscaping and wildlife
    Creating a sense of place with the proposed new public square
    Creating a focal point for Waterloo, helping build on it as a cultural destination and support the regeneration and growth of Waterloo
    Keeping buses and traffic moving through the area.
    The proposals form part of the Mayor of London’s plan for Healthy Streets - a long-term vision to encourage more Londoners to walk and cycle and use public transport by making London’s streets healthier, safer and more welcoming.

    What we are proposing

    Our proposals would:
    Create a new tree-filled public square supporting civic and cultural life of the area by moving the existing bus stops from Tenison Way to an improved bus station on Waterloo Road, closing the south-west arm of the roundabout and changing the remaining carriageway to two-way traffic
    Introduce segregated cycle lanes making cycling around Waterloo roundabout safer
    Create new pedestrian routes and permanently remove some subways (but keep others) to help create more direct walking routes towards the river Thames. The subways can be unpleasant and divisive, inaccessible to large sections of the community
    Widen the footways on Waterloo Road to give more space to pedestrians and waiting bus passengers by narrowing the carriageway through removing a section of bus lane
    Relocate northbound and southbound bus stops to keep traffic moving on Waterloo Road
    Ban the right turns from Waterloo Road into Stamford Street and from Concert Hall Approach (except for buses) to keep traffic moving.

    Why We Are Consulting

    Encourage more walking and cycling and use of buses by
    Making it easier, safer and more pleasant
    Keeping buses and traffic moving through the area
    Provide a sense of place and improve the environment by
    Creating a new, high-quality, traffic-free, green public space to become a focal point for Waterloo supporting the civic and cultural life of the area
    Support the regeneration and growth of Waterloo
    Currently the area is overcrowded and difficult to navigate for pedestrians, bus passengers and cyclists. This is exacerbated by street clutter and level differences that make it confusing and harder for people to get to where they want to go.
    It will get even busier because of major planned developments, including increasing capacity at Waterloo station. The roundabout is dominated by motor traffic and can be intimidating and unpleasant to walk and cycle.
    By giving cyclists more space and time to pass through the area more easily, and by providing new signalised crossings, a new public space and wider footways for pedestrians and waiting bus passengers, we can encourage more people to use these healthy and sustainable forms of transport, whilst keeping other traffic moving.
    Waterloo is a very important transport hub with Europe’s busiest rail station, a strategic bus interchange, and large numbers of cyclists and some key cycle routes passing through it.
    It is also home to international visitor and cultural attractions, workplaces, residents and academic institutions.
    Our proposals are designed to improve safety for vulnerable road users by introducing dedicated facilities, such as signalised pedestrian crossings, new cycle lanes and separate cycle signals. Waterloo roundabout is one of 33 locations across London we are prioritising as part of our Safer Junctions programme.
    Overall, these proposals are designed to make it easier, safer and more attractive to walk, cycle and use public transport in the area, and to prepare for and stimulate further growth and regeneration.

    Potential effects of our proposals

    Journey times
    We expect the proposals would result in changes, both positive and negative, to journey times for motorists, bus passengers and cyclists once complete. Click here for the information (PDF) that explains the impacts we expect our proposals to have on journey times and is accompanied by a more detailed table of data.

    We want to make walking more convenient and attractive. There are a number of places where overcrowding is common such as Tenison Way and Waterloo Road:
    The proposed new public space would provide lots more room for pedestrians and create a key focal point in the local area with crossings relocated to where people want to cross
    Wider and clearer footways would reduce overcrowding on Waterloo Road
    Walking routes would be opened up, improving way finding and permeability.

    Taken from survey data in 2013 cyclists make-up 40% of traffic around Waterloo roundabout in the AM peak.
    We want to make cycling in Waterloo easier, safer and more attractive. Our proposals provide dedicated time and space for cyclists and aim to reduce road casualties by addressing the patterns of past collisions:
    Segregated cycle lanes around the new peninsula. The impact of this is balanced with bus and general traffic movements by making some strutural changes to the roundabout
    Separate cycle signals on traffic lights would reduce the number of conflicts with general traffic
    Existing cycle parking stands would be relocated
    The cycle hire docking station outside Kings College would be relocated
    We are working with other teams delivering projects that would provide better and safer connections to existing and planned cycle routes.

    Bus passengers
    Waterloo is a strategic part of the London bus network, with some of its busiest routes serving the area, used by 20,000 passengers a day. Our proposals aim to encourage more people onto buses and keep all traffic moving:
    An improved bus station and new public square would provide a much improved interchange and waiting environment for bus passengers
    Wider footways on Waterloo Road would provide a larger and safer area for waiting bus passengers and accommodate future growth in numbers
    Bus stops would be relocated from Tenison Way to the improved bus station on Waterloo Road and the northbound and southbound bus stops on Waterloo Road would be consolidated.
    A short section of bus lane on Waterloo Road would be removed to keep traffic moving.

    General traffic
    We want to reduce the dominance of traffic around Waterloo by creating an environment which encourages people to walk, cycle or use public transport. As a result:
    There would be some changes to general traffic journey times as a result of these proposals. We would remove the south-western side of the roundabout to create the new public space. Traffic would flow two-way around the new peninsula
    The section of northbound bus lane on Waterloo Road from the junction with The Cut would be removed to provide more space for pedestrians. Buses would share the general traffic lane and pull-in to the relocated bus stops allowing traffic to pass
    The right turn from Waterloo Road into Stamford Street and the right turn from Concert Hall Approach (except for buses) would be banned to keep traffic moving through the area.
    We do not develop proposals to introduce traffic restrictions without carefully considering the potential impacts and exploring alternative solutions. The restrictions are proposed to either address a safety issue, or help the signalised junction operate more efficiently and minimise potential journey time delays to road users.

    Deliveries and servicing
    Some changes to existing servicing arrangements may be required. If your home or workplace is on or near the proposed changes, please let us know if the proposals could affect your deliveries, collections and servicing. We would encourage you to discuss the proposals with companies undertaking these operations.

    The main taxi rank is on Station Approach and is not affected by these proposals.

    Rail and London Underground users
    Network Rail has a programme of works to increase capacity at Waterloo Station and London Underground has plans to increase Bakerloo and Northern Line services, increasing the numbers of people using Waterloo to interchange. Our proposals would make it easier and more attractive for passengers to continue their journeys on foot, cycle or bus.

    Air pollution is one of the most significant challenges facing London, affecting the health of all Londoners. As part of the plans for new measures to tackle London’s current poor air quality, we have been consulting on proposals to bring forward the introduction of the London Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ).
    A number of other schemes to improve London’s air quality are planned, including taking steps to reduce air pollution from our bus fleet, reducing emissions from taxis and private hire vehicles, setting up five ‘Low Emission Neighbourhoods’ and expanding the electric vehicle charging network, as well as making it simpler to use. We are investing to make London’s streets healthy, safe and attractive places to walk and cycle. Enabling more journeys to be made on foot or by bike can help reduce private vehicle use and associated emissions. Click here for more information on how we are creating Healthy Streets and click here for the draft Mayor's Transport Strategy. Our proposals aim to improve the quality of life in the area by:

    Reducing the dominance of traffic, allowing people to better enjoy the area
    Exploring opportunities to achieve more greening
    Creating a sense of place with the proposed new public square and providing additional seating.
    As our proposals for Waterloo would change how traffic moves around the area, we expect there would be some associated and localised changes to air quality and noise levels. We will be carrying-out environmental surveys and environmental modelling to help our design development.

    Security barriers on Waterloo Bridge
    The Metropolitan Police Service has installed barriers to increase security on London’s busiest bridges. Our proposals will aim to ensure that the security of all road users is maintained in the future.

    Working with the local community
    TfL has been working with Lambeth Council and engaging with businesses, local stakeholders and the Mayor to develop these proposals over the years. These are the planning documents and guidance consulted on with the local community that have helped us develop these proposals:
    A local college, Morley College, has produced a photo record to capture the sense of place and character of the area that these proposals will build on. These photos will be on show at the public events and around Waterloo.
    There is a public art poem by the poet Sue Hubbard called “Eurydice” on the wall of one the subways we propose to remove. The poem was written as part of the renovation of the South Bank especially for the underpass that leads from Victory Arch at Waterloo Station to the BFI IMAX cinema. We will work with local stakeholders to investigate how we can include the poem in the new public space.

    Next steps
    Subject to the outcome of this consultation, should we proceed with these proposals, we would look to start construction in late 2019 for a period of up to 18 months.
    We are aware that there is a lot of construction occurring in the Waterloo area and these changes are likely to cause further disruption. We would work with the local community, Lambeth Council, SBEG, WeAreWaterloo and surrounding developers to coordinate works and deliveries to minimise this impact as far as possible.

    Previous consultations
    As part of the Mayor’s Better Junctions Review we made improvements at the roundabout to reduce accidents by providing more priority and road space for cyclists, particularly at the junctions with Stamford Street and Waterloo Road.
    Later the speed limit was reduced to 20mph and will be retained under these proposals.

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  • Mayor's Transport Strategy

    Draft Mayor's Transport Strategy 2017
    On June 21 Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, published a draft of the Mayor's Transport Strategy. The document sets out the Mayor’s policies and proposals to reshape transport in London over the next 25 years.

    About the strategy

    Transport has the potential to shape London, from the streets Londoners live, work and spend time on, to the Tube, rail and bus services they use every day.

    By using the Healthy Streets Approach to prioritise human health and experience in planning the city, the Mayor wants to change London’s transport mix so the city works better for everyone.

    Three key themes are at the heart of the strategy.

    1. Healthy Streets and healthy people
    Creating streets and street networks that encourage walking, cycling and public transport use will reduce car dependency and the health problems it creates.

    2. A good public transport experience
    Public transport is the most efficient way for people to travel over distances that are too long to walk or cycle, and a shift from private car to public transport could dramatically reduce the number of vehicles on London’s streets.

    3. New homes and jobs
    More people than ever want to live and work in London. Planning the city around walking, cycling and public transport use will unlock growth in new areas and ensure that London grows in a way that benefits everyone.

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  • Thames bridges counter-terrorism barriers

    Since the horrific attacks that took place on Westminster Bridge, and most recently London Bridge, the Metropolitan Police have installed temporary barriers on many central London bridges.

    LCC is fully supportive of the need to take urgent steps to provide extra protection for Londoners and visitors to our city. But we also believe it's right that we look at these measures, that have had to go in very rapidly, to see both what lessons need to be learned for future Highways schemes in the capital, and to see what, if any, tweaks can be undertaken to ensure these barriers can provide the extra security needed as well as allow people, especially London's large number of cycling commuters, to continue to cycle safely with minimal disruption - ideally even with enhanced safety and/or provision.

    Now we want your ideas of any tweaks, modifications or other measures that can be brought forward on the bridges affected so far, and given the measures in so far, to provide vital measures to protect against terrorist attacks, but also to enhance safety and provision for those walking and cycling, and to mitigate the negative effects of the measures so far.

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